Ta oglas ni več aktiven. Prijava ni mogoča.
Athens, Grčija
Rok za prijavo:
Getting a new job was never so easy!
We are a recruitment company based in Cracow, Poland that is passionate about engaging people in their calling!
Our mission is to provide possibly the most convenient and fast recruitment process for our candidates as well as ensure your easy start in the new adventure!
If you have ever dreamt about moving to Greece or Portugal, and helping people at the top notch level has always been your strong drive, you are in the right place at a right time!
We will take full care of you in your path to a new country (which is the case for most of our candidates) and assist you with embarking on your new career!
The big brands we work with include worldwide known companies such as Microsoft, Expedia, Pinterest, ...and many more!
If it sounds exciting (and we are sure it does ;) ) apply with us today :)
Your Real Recruitment Team
- potential candidates should have proficient knowledge of Slovenian & good level of English
- the position also requires good communication & soft skills, as well as problem-solving skills
Before applying please take into consideration that by accepting this job offer you will be expected to move to Greece. We don't offer neither smartworking nor job opportunities in or from Slovenia or Italy.
In your CV please include your full name, a phone number and your personal e-mail address.
Strokovna izobrazba:
VI/1. višješolski strokovni program, VI/2. visokošolski strokovni programi /1. bolonjska stopnja, VII. univerzitetni programi / 2. bolonjska stopnja, VIII/1. magisteriji znanosti, VIII/2. doktor znanosti / 3.bolonjska raven
Slovenski (materni jezik), Angleški (napredno)
We offer complete training by certified instructors as well as many career development opportunities, so this is a unique chance to advance your career in Greece! Ready to move?
What you should expect from living in Greece?
– The experience of an international culture
– A beautiful sandy beaches city surrounded by coastal towns and ancient architecture
– Delightful gastronomic experiences
– Quite a dynamic urban life and peaceful rural life
– Sunny days, Mediterranean weather and a laidback lifestyle
Your benefits:
- competitive monthly salary - 1200-1400 euros gross base salary + 2 extra salaries per year + Performance Bonus RELOCATION Package:
- free flight tickets from any European city to Athens
- pick up from the airport
- free two weeks stay in the hotel
- help with paperwork, opening a bank account, etc. on your arrival
- assistance in finding the accommodation
- public health insurance & discounts for health packages
- continuous career development opportunities
- Greek language lessons
Extra perks:
- free Greek lessons, cooking courses, sports activities and social events organised by the company
- real career opportunities in various career paths
Vrsta zaposlitve:
Določen čas, Nedoločen čas
Od 1200 do 1500 EUR bruto
Kraj dela:
Če vas zanima, kako se vaša plača primerja z drugimi, lahko to preverite. Preprosto vnesite svoje kvalifikacije in delovno mesto, ki vas zanima, ter odkrijte, kako se uvrščate v primerjavi z drugimi. Kliknite tukaj za več informacij!
Niste našli zaposlitve, ki vas zanima?
Nepravilen e-poštni naslov
Z vnosom elektronskega naslova soglašate, da želite prejemati obvestila o novih zaposlitvenih oglasih glede na vaše kriterije s portala Deloglasnik.