Ste vedeli, da vas od sanjske službe lahko loči samo en klik? DANES SE JE ZAČEL NAJVEČJI REGIONALNI ZAPOSLITVENI SEJEM. Sejem bo potekal od 13. do 21. oktobra 2021 in bo odprt od 0.00 do 24.00 ure, preko spletne strani TUKAJ pa ga lahko obiščete iz katere koli naprave (namizni, prenosni, tablični računalnik ali mobilni telefon). Na sejmu se predstavlja tudi eno izmed vodilnih podjetji v Sloveniji - NLB Group.
NLB Group se predstavi
Bank as an IT company - The need for IT specialists, data scientists, data analysts, information systems analysts, software and process developers, personnel who know how to optimize user experience etc. has been growing globally. Digitalization, automation and robotization ensured such profiles have become increasingly more important, with covid-19 pandemic giving this trend additional boost.
NLB Group, which is far more than just a banking group, but more and more an IT company, is no exception. “In Slovenia, for example, we have been looking for IT experts and experts in the field of data science for a long time, and we have still several vacancies of listed profiles open. We namely compete with other Slovenian and international companies on the market for these profiles," explains Vesna Vodopivec, Director of Human Resources Management and Organization Development at NLB.
That is why we are creating a NLB Group Competence Center. In the Centre, we plan to employ IT and data science experts, focused on development tasks for the entire NLB Group. They tackle these tasks as one, fully connected, joint team at the group level. We plan to connect talents from different countries, knowledge, and experience, promote innovation and open opportunities for different ways of working, interacting and finding solutions. This will not only increase the development capacity of our Group, but at the same time strengthen our role as promoter of new trends in South-eastern Europe, our home region.
The reason Belgrade has been chosen for NLB Group Competence Centre is simple: it has become a technological a sort of hub for IT experts and data scientists from various countries of the region, proving that the Digital Serbia project the county has undertaken ten years ago by adjusting investments and educational system in this vision, was the right one.
Therefore, NLB Groups' decision is not surprising. With the takeover of Komercijalna banka Beograd at the end of last year, NLB has become the third largest banking group in Serbia and has significantly strengthened its position in this largest of the markets in the region where it operates. Our goal is no longer to just be an excellent distributor of universal financial services, but also one of the most ambitious, technologically driven banking groups in our home region providing top quality experience to our existing and prospective clients. We also strive to become one of the most desirable employers in our region with meaningful, positive impact on the environment and society in which we live and work.
»Our plans are ambitious, as we want to take advantage of all the synergies by centralizing specific IT and data science personnel. There is a shortage of such staff everywhere in the world today, therefore we need to look for them where they are,« says dr. Franc Bračun, Chief Data Officer at NLB.
In acquiring these increasingly sought-after, specialized profiles, we also use new approaches, for example NLB Hackathon 2021 - Data Science. It was a competition of data scientists who not only understood the data, but also knew how to extract added value from it. Together with one of the best teams of data scientists in the region, they got the opportunity to work on a real-life data science problem, improve their skill set, learn from expert professionals, participate in round-table discussions with renowned experts and possibly win a prize of 10,000 euros. New NLB Hackathons with tempting challenges and prizes are on the way, so we invite you to follow us on Linkedin.
Obiščite podjetje NLB Group na njihovi virtualni stojnici na Regionalnem zaposlitvenem sejmu TUKAJ!