Deloglasnik - Svetovalec za delo v prodaji (m/ž) - Ljubljana - SENS d.o.o.
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Svetovalec za delo v prodaji (m/ž)


Application deadline:

  • SENS d.o.o.

Job description

Vabimo v svoj kolektiv vse, ki iščete prijetno in dinamično delovno okolje, kjer so nam medsebojni odnosi zelo pomembni.

Zaposlimo svetovalca/ko v trgovini z moškimi oblekami SENS.


- najmanj IV. stopnjo izobrazbe
- občutek za estetiko
- veselje in sposobnost do ustvarjanja stylingov in dela s strankami

Svoj življenjepis z motivacijskim pismom, pošljite preko portala Deloglasik.

Professional qualification:

IV. level – Secondary professional education (3 years), V. level – Secondary general, professional and technical education

What we offer

- zaposlitev za polovični delovni čas (20ur na teden) ali prek s.p.-ja
- prijetno in urejeno delovno okolje
- stimulativno plačilo
- popoldansko ali izmenično delo

Job type:

Temporary, Permanent, Partnership cooperation

Other information


Arts and Design Sales

Work regions:


Partnership co-operation is not a labor relationship within the meaning of the Labor Act, but a non-binding relationship between two or more legal entities within the meaning of the provisions of the Mandatory Obligations Act

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