Deloglasnik - Komercialist - prodajalec pisarniškega pohištva (m/ž) - Mengeš - PROFI MEDIA d.o.o.
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Komercialist - prodajalec pisarniškega pohištva (m/ž)


Application deadline:

  • PROFI MEDIA d.o.o.

Job description

Iščemo sodelavca/ko za delovno mesto:

Komercialist (m/ž).

Naloge in odgovornosti:
- prodaja pisarniškega pohištva
- kontaktiranje in iskanje potencialnih strank
- izdelava predračunov, računov, dobavnic
- delo na terenu
- sestanki z potencialnimi kupci
- nadzor ob dobavi blaga
- svetovanje pomoč strankam
- dostava vzorcev potencialnim kupcev

Delo je razgibano opravlja se v pisarni ter na terenu.


- obvezen vozniški izpit B kategorije
- vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj na področju prodaje pohištva

Professional qualification:

V. level – Secondary general, professional and technical education, VI/1. Higher vocational education, VI/2. Higher professional education/ 1st Bologna level

Work experience:



Slovenian (native language), English (advanced)

Driving category:



Word, Excel, Outlook, Internet

What we offer

- zaposlitev za določen ali nedoločen čas
- službeni telefon, službeni prenosnik
- fleksibilno delo
- nudimo nagrade glede na uspešnost pri prodaji

Job type:

Temporary, Permanent, Partnership cooperation


From 900 to 1800 EUR gross

Other information


Administration Sales

Partnership co-operation is not a labor relationship within the meaning of the Labor Act, but a non-binding relationship between two or more legal entities within the meaning of the provisions of the Mandatory Obligations Act

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