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Nova Gorica, Obala
Application deadline:
E I T d.o.o. podjetje staro 31 let. Proizvodnjo imamo na Hrvaškem. V Slovenji trenutno potrebujemo osebo, ki bi nam pomagala pri trženju in pridobivanju novih strank. Sicer pa smo Slovensko podjetje.
- inovativnost
- samostojnost
- smisel za nove tržne prijeme
- pozitiven karakter
- velika mera samoiniciativnosti
- znanje Italijanskega jezika
Professional qualification:
V. level – Secondary general, professional and technical education, VI/1. Higher vocational education, VI/2. Higher professional education/ 1st Bologna level
Work experience:
Italian (excellent), Slovenian (excellent)
Driving category:
Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Internet
- ugodnosti skladno z delavno uspešnostjo
Job type:
Temporary, Part-time, Partnership cooperation, Seasonal, Student service
From 1000 to 1400 EUR gross
Work regions:
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